What are my child custody options?

On Behalf of | May 8, 2024 | Child custody

Child custody is a very important matter for divorcing parents. Parents can gain the right to continue raising their children after a divorce with the use of child custody. Child custody is divided into two aspects:

  • Physical custody: Where a child lives, who is responsible for providing their children food, shelter and other basic needs and how a child’s daily routine is managed often depends on which parent has physical custody.
  • Legal custody: A parent can make many major decisions for their children with legal custody. For instance, a parent can decide whether their child goes to private or public school or if they would benefit more from homeschooling if the parent has legal custody.

Physical and legal custody are often divided between parents – but not always. A child custody arrangement often will decide what rights and obligations each parent has to their children after a divorce. Here is what you should know:

Splitting custody with a co-parent

Many courts believe that children benefit the most when parents share custody through a joint custody arrangement. Joint custody gives parents split custody rights. Parents may need to communicate with each other often about what they believe is best for their children.

Physical custody does not always need to be split evenly when parents share custody. A child could live with each parent evenly, but one parent may also have more physical custody days than the other. This often depends on what works best for each parent and the child. 

Taking full responsibility for your child

One parent may believe that it is best that they take full custody of their children, especially if there is evidence that the other parent is unfit to take on the responsibility. A parent can be given sole custody, which makes them entirely responsible for their children. The other parent may be allowed to visit their children. 

You might know what is best for your children, but can you prove it in court? You may need to seek legal guidance when discussing child custody matters.