4 things to do when divorcing a narcissist

On Behalf of | Jun 7, 2024 | Divorce

Going through a divorce is one of the most difficult challenges you may face during your adult life. Complications of all kinds can make an already stressful process much more challenging. For example, divorcing a narcissist is unlikely to be a low-stress situation because a narcissist will often do whatever it takes to maintain control over all circumstances that involve them.

A narcissist is typically self-absorbed and lives in their own world. They often try to twist facts to meet their needs and they may try to invoke specific emotions and reactions from people around them.

Build an emotional wall

You can’t let a narcissist see when they upset you because they may feel more powerful if they can manipulate your emotions. One crucial strategy is to build an emotional wall. By remaining emotionally detached, you can prevent them from exploiting your feelings.

Limit contact only to what relates to the divorce

Another essential tip is to limit contact with your narcissistic ex to matters strictly related to the divorce. Narcissists thrive on attention and conflict, so minimizing interactions can reduce their ability to manipulate and create unnecessary drama. Limiting contact can also take away the chance of them seeing specific emotional reactions.

Keep proof of everything

The lies that a narcissist tells are sometimes convincing. Because of this, it’s best to keep proof of everything related to the divorce. The more evidence you have of what you pay, what’s said and anything else that might be important, the better off you may be.

Prepare for a lengthy divorce process

Divorcing a narcissist often means preparing for a lengthy and contentious process. Narcissists are likely to resist compromise and may use various tactics to prolong the proceedings, such as filing frivolous motions, making unreasonable demands or refusing to negotiate in good faith. They may do this to try to force you to spend more money for the divorce or simply to try to control the amount of time you have to spend on it.

Protecting your rights during a divorce is critical, especially if you’re divorcing a narcissist. Decisions made during the divorce process can have an impact on your future, so don’t get pushed into accepting settlements that aren’t suitable.